親愛的 蔡O隆 您好:
  You have applied to re-set the password for the online services of the National Health Insurance Card, please go to the「webpage of the online services of the National Health Insurance to re-set your password」Please use a computer with a card reader in order to plug in your NHI Card and complete this procedure in 30 minutes.
  Your new password will be not effective until this procedure has been confirmed. If this procedure has not been completed in 30 minutes, this application will be invalid and you have to go to「registration webpage」and click『forgot registration password』.

  Please keep your password from other people.

如無法進入重設註冊密碼畫面, 請您直接點選下列連結:
If you still have a problem go to the re-setting password webpage, please click:

若您在使用上有任何疑問,歡迎您電洽本署健保諮詢服務專線:市話撥打 0800-030-598 或 4128-678(不須加區域碼) 手機改撥 02-4128-678,
If you have further questions, please also feel free to contact the NHIA at 0800-030-598(toll free) or at 4128-678(an area code not required). For a mobile phone, please dial 02-4128-678.
You may also go to the mailbox of suggestions on the NHIA website for further services.



身體健康 萬事如意

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,

National Health Insurance Administration Ministry of Health and Welfare
May 5,2020

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