授課進度  Top

授課進度 Course Progress Outline
週次Week 日期Date 主題Topic 單元主題Unit 備註Remark
1 02/28  課程講解
Technology oriented, globalization  and industrial management
New domain of business strategy.

Exploring the meaning business strategy to industrial value network
The relatedness of globalization and industrial network

2 03/07  企業的產業特質與影響經營力的產業結構
The characteristics of industry and its’ influence to business competitiveness
The strategy of saturated market
Industrial cluster in new competition environment
New trends for connected businesses system

To identify the environment of
your business, its’ frontier and competition
The up- and down-stream of
Industrial relations and clusters.
The interaction between cooperative businesses.

3 03/14  產業價值鏈與價值網路辨識
The identification of business value chain and industrial value network
The competition of business web
The interactive strategies to co-create value

Trying to identify the actors,
activities of your business web
Which actors are long term cooperator and its’ resources
To draw your business network and mask the ones which hold stable cooperation relationship.

4 03/21  經營流程設計與價值創造
Designing business process and the value created
Re-starting from business process
How to save cost via supply chain management

Could your company’s business process be changed to generate new value
Could your company improve the
product design ability through
changing cooperate members

5 03/28  網路內的交易行為演變
Evolution of exchange relationship in value network
The marketing strategy to strengthen partnership relationship
To make your customers being  partnership relationship

To rethink the evolution of your long range cooperators
What benefits could be generated from long range relationship
Do company’s customers own
different purchasing requirements,
and its relationship be adjusted

6 04/04  網路系統重設計與產業關係變革
Redesign the network system and changing the industrial relatedness
Transforming concentrate production to concentrate business
How to regrow against contrarian
Collaborative business intelligence

In case expecting to improve the
product/ service value what
benefit would be for each adjust as
Changing business process
Changing business process on network
Simplifying or extending network process

7 04/11  價值網路策略—水平擴張、垂直整合、多樣化、價值綜效。
Value network strategy-horizontal/ 
vertical integration, diversification
and synergy

The meaning of adjusting network
business process for focal firm
To explain the network redesign
experiences by real case
The pattern of network business
process redesign

8 04/18  價值網路結構分析
˙(Chinese literature)胡哲生、吳建明、張憲正—國際化價值網路結構演變與價值移轉。
˙(Chinese literature)胡哲生、陳逸麒—以合作價值轉換探討跨國作業的產業價值整合。
Virtual organization is near b

Please list all your company’s up-
and downstream cooperators, and
what contribution from them
On condition changing members
in customer chain what new
values could  be happened.

9 04/25  價值網路內的跨組織學習與知識管理
Inter-organizatioal learning and knowledge management in network
The age of customer relationship management
Knowledge evolution caused by inter-organizational learning
Holding the suitable attitude to
buildup global alliance

How the focal firm setup the
dominate ideas and managerial
intelligence trans-organizational
The knowledge shifting and
conductive system in network
New product development needs the
help of whole knowledge from

10 05/02  策略性思考概述
11 05/09  靜態競爭(1)
12 05/16  靜態競爭(2)
13 05/23  動態態競爭(1)
14 05/30  動態態競爭(2)
15 06/06  策略性思考(1)
16 06/13  策略性思考(2)
17 06/20  競合策略(1)
18 06/27  競合策略(2)
七、教學方法  Top

Pedagogical Methods  方法Method 百分比 方法Method 百分比 方法Method 百分比
講述 40  影片欣賞 0  討論 0 
個案研討 40  服務學習 0  問題導向學習 0 
競賽遊戲 0  專家演講 0  專題實作 0 
電子教學 0  體驗教學 0  角色扮演實境教學 0 
競賽讀書會 0  產業實習 0  自主學習 0 
對話教學法 20  樣本觀察 0  校外參訪 0 
實作教學  0  個別指導 0  其他 0 

八、課程教材  Top

Course Material 上課講義
教科書 Dixit and Nalebuff, Thinking Strategically, W. W. Norton, 1991.

Reference Brandenberger and Nalebuff, Co-opetition, Doubleday, 1996.
Dixit and Skeath, Games of Strategy, W. W. Norton, 2nd edition, 2004.
教學平台網址 ICAN5 

九、學習評量  Top

Learning Evaluation  方法Method  百分比  方法Method  百分比  方法Method  百分比 
課堂之前測 0  學生表現側寫報告 0  個案分析報告撰寫 30 
專題發表 0  課堂上實作演練 0  專業團體之證照檢定 0 
期中考 0  期末考 0  隨堂考(小考) 0 
書面報告(含小組或個人) 20  課堂參與 20  心得或作業撰寫 0 
口頭報告 30  面試或口試 0  自評與小組互評 0 
參加競賽 0  展演 0  筆記 0 
其他 0       

十、學習規範  Top

學習規範 手機關機或轉震動