🛫 2018 Mainland China Study Tour: Faculty and Students from the College of Management Explore Anhui, Ascend Huangshan ⛰, and Overlook the Technological Development of Central China.

Amidst the blooming flowers in late March and early April, a group of faculty and students from the College of Management gracefully flew into the contemporary technological hub and land of plenty, Anhui, Hefei, China, for an eight-day-seven-night academic exchange and on-site visit. The participants personally experienced the local customs, sentiments, and technological pulse of Central China.

Organized by the Department of Finance and International Business, this year's study tour, led by Professor Zhang Chaoqing, aimed to expand the breadth and depth of the participants' perspectives through experiential learning. On the academic front, the delegation visited the renowned "University of Science and Technology of China," where senior professors provided insights into the development and current state of Financial Technology (FinTech) in China. Additionally, the group received analyses of the economic, transportation, and urban development of the Central China region from the Chief Urban Planning Engineer of Hefei, Anhui Province.

Simultaneously, the study tour included visits to technology giants such as "iFlytek Co., Ltd.," known for its artificial intelligence technology, "Meiya Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.," a world leader in optical recognition, "Haier Air Conditioner Co., Ltd.," the world's top white goods brand, and "Jianghuai Automobile Group Co., Ltd.," one of China's top 500 enterprises. The participants also had the rare opportunity to enter the "Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory." They walked through factories, observed production lines, witnessed the operation of large-scale physics and optical experiment centers, and experienced the concrete application of artificial intelligence in voice and image technologies, providing a "deep" learning experience.

Anhui Province is also rich in the world-famous "Huizhou culture." In addition to visiting Bao Gong Temple to learn more about Bao Gong's integrity and loyalty, the group explored the internationally acclaimed "Hongcun," featured in the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." The maze-like black-tiled white-walled village revealed the spirit and culture of the Huizhou people, emphasizing social status and the determination to succeed beyond Huizhou. The climax of the trip came at the summit of Huangshan. Standing at Guangmingding, next to Feilaishi, everyone marveled at the deep canyons and the ethereal sea of clouds, fully understanding the saying, "After visiting the Five Sacred Mountains, don't bother with other mountains; after returning from Huangshan, don't bother with the Sacred Mountains." It was only by reaching the peak in person that they realized the truth behind the words.

After this intensive six-day off-site learning experience, undergraduate, master's, and professional master's students traveled and learned together, building long-lasting friendships and gaining rich experiences.

#FuJenCatholicUniversity #FJCU #CollegeofManagement #FJCUManagementCollege #InternationalVisit #Anhui #UniversityofScienceandTechnologyofChina

Course Level: 106 2 Finance and International Business Department, 4th Year

Instructors: Zhang Chaoqing & Li Pengyu & Han Qianshan

Student: 406175140 Cai Guolong

Technology Management Master's Program In-service Class 1st Year



Headshot of Tchata LuBY TCHATA LU

夏天快到了,近年風靡瘦身圈的「168間歇性斷食法」熱度仍未減,許多藝人像是瘦子、侯佩岑也用此方式成功減重。然而, Ptt上卻也出現不少斷食失敗的例子。究竟除了持之以恆之外,「168斷食法」該怎麼吃才最有效?又有哪些不失敗的關鍵秘訣要注意?營養師朱瑞君來為你解答!




間歇性斷食法(Intermittent Fasting)是透過調整進食時間的飲食方式,來達到體重減輕的目的。





「168間歇性斷食法」顧名思義,就是於一天 24 小時當中,禁食 16 小時,進食 8 小時。也就是把可以進食的時間壓在 8 小時之內,其餘 16 小時不吃含有熱量的食物。(不含熱量的食物包括水、黑咖啡、茶...。)


168斷食法Peter Dazeley/Getty





168斷食法Jamie Grill/Getty
  1. 若對自己的飲食習慣不夠了解,可能造成飲食失調。
  2. 若缺乏攝取足夠蛋白質和充足的運動會造成肌肉流失。斷食需同時搭配重訓,才可以同時增肌又減脂。
  3. 當胰島素上升時,除了會堆積脂肪外,也會留住水分和鹽分,讓身體腫脹。而當胰島素下降時,可能會因為水分和電解質的流失而引起頭痛,此時要特別注重水分的補充。






168斷食法Photo by Cathy Scola/Getty




168斷食法Getty Image



168斷食法Dougal Waters/Getty

斷食期間代謝變快,水分也消耗得快,建議補水量提高至「體重X40」;避免血鈉太低,ex :體重45公斤需要喝足45X4=1800ml的水。




營養師特製早餐+中餐一共1000卡的三日減肥菜單,幫助你在進行168斷食法期間,能兼顧健康、營養與美味, 晚餐的部分可依照個人喜好斟酌選擇搭配,記得,總共不要超過應攝取的卡路里喔!



